Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well its been a week or so now and what are my comments? Mainly that its absolutely dead simple. The learning curve is extremely shallow, everything works, its all extremely elegant, intuitive and straightforwards. The GUI is dead sexy, fun and very useful. Software and periferals install in moments, I've added a USB hub ( one pence from Amazon) and a Hitachi 1 TB external drive which I'm using with Time Machine.
The 21.5 inch screen, from two to three feet away appears simply huge so no real regrets about buying the smaller screen.  For me, the most amazing thing is the shear power of the beast however. Opening programs, performing processor heavy tasks, just take a second or so. Making HDRs with Photomatix Pro takes, what? five seconds? My old PC used to take over a minute. Enough said I think.... Now to persuade work that I need a MacBook!