Friday, May 14, 2010

Why I'm no longer blogging

Painfully aware of my non blogging status at the moment and thought I’d at least blog why that may be:

Firstly, it’s simply down to the fact that I haven’t been moved to do so, or, put more bluntly, I can’t be arsed. In mitigation I would say that on the odd occasions when I’ve blogged even though I have nothing to say, I’ve always been embarrassed at the resulting prose and have therefore come to the conclusion that if I’m not moved to Blog then I shouldn’t bother.

Drilling down a little further and examining the possible reasons why the muse has not come upon me lately and I find there are a number of possible explanations:

I’ve spent so much time in India that I no longer get the ‘charge’ of mental activity, the desire to tell all and sundry about my experiences and I have a sneaking feeling that my readers may have begun to feel the same.

I’m happily engaged in many other activities these days such as photography/uploading files to my flickr site, facebook, skype, getting pissed with friends etc.

Negative comments from some quarters. ( ‘Too effervescent’ – you know who you are!)

Lack of security after comments I made about A****t**s, my sons band were lifted from this site and broadcast across the net without my permission. A good job they were positive ! Made me think twice about spouting off about anything even slightly controversial and where’s the fun in not being able to be a bit provocative?

The fact that only about two people ever read what I wrote in the first place and nobody ever commented.

Sending emails to peoples inboxes is more effective than putting stuff on a blog, and more personal.

So there you have it, seems like a convincing list of reasons to me. Perhaps you’d like to comment??? Someone? Anyone?

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