Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Internet huh?

Interested to see comments that I made in this blog earlier about the new architects material being reproduced on the 'fuckyeaharchitects' tumblr site. I mean? How the hell? Its fascinating.. I wonder who, of the handful of people who ctually read my ramblings would 'leak' the comments, or, has somebody got some super sensitive search software that can sniff out comments on Architects even buried in some inconsequential blog?
Therefore I thought I'd make some more comments and see how quickly they are spotted and used!

So, here goes..........

Its absolutely wonderful being an Architects(uk) Dad! One of the many things I have to thank Tom and Dan for is keeping me up to date with all the latest sounds, theres so much amazing stuff out there that I'd never be able to on my own and most of my old mates, no matter how into music, seem to have got stuck somewhere in the 80's, 90's or 00's; dont get me wrong, i love dance and electronica, I love indie , but without Tom and Dans influence I would never have got into metalcore etc. My favorite band is currently Dillinger Escape Plan and I search in vain for friends of my age who also dig that sound. Why should this be? DEP are utterly awesome, they rock, they're inventive as hell, they're original, whats not to like?! One comment that I have heard from several people is 'its the shouting/screaming that I can't take' . Get over it! Give it a chance, any half decent music takes a while to get into but once you suss it theres a shitload to enjoy...
So anyway, Architects and thier progression: The new album will be very distinctly Architects, that is, my friends won't like it! However, Tom's songwriting is definitely maturing. The thing that really exites me about the new stuff is that it has a distinctly euphoric edge, there's builds and breaks like good euphoric trance but it's still heavy as fuck, fast, tight and experimental.....
Of course the final sound will be vastly different from the demos on my ipod, I'm hoping that some of the wonderful, delicate and tasteful drum and guitar work will not be lost but with the new album being producted by *************** ( not sure if this is public domain info yet) I can guarantee that it will be unbefuckinlievable.

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