Thursday, November 19, 2009

And now: The first Jeaunsetalk film review!

As an 'entertainment experience' 2012, on a big screen is undeniably a winner. Who could not fail to be entertained by this piece of full-on special effects hokum? So spectacular is this piece of cinematic crap that the complely rubbish story, icky sweet sentiment, cloying - faux philosophising, unscientific and generally hillarious unattention to detail that one is left with a feeling of having been, well, entertained. To be frank, the storyline is so clumsy in its attempt to hold the series of cgi set pieces together that its best not even to think about it. However, the special effects are truly unbelievably amazing on a big screen. The engineers who created this should be congratulated for achieving hitherto undreamed of levels of realism in thier depictions, in particular, of tsunamis and very large buildings collapsing. Remarkable and definitely worth experiencing.
Seen as a 'film' this is a piece of dog dirt, as an experince though, brilliant!
That I saw this in my local multiplex in Kharghar, New Bombay I think only added to the experience. The cinema was clean, had amazingly comfortable reclining seats and sported very high quality sound and display clarity. From the initial 'please all stand for the national anthem' when one is treated to a jittery low res loop of the Indian flag waving, intercut with two elderly Indian divas wailing, to the twenty minute intermission half way through the film, the seat service, where trays of fast food and colas are bought to your seat, the whole experience was satisfying and  for me educational and at less than two quid, value for money. Avatar opens here soon and so I may being going again before too long.

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